Movies touch our hearts, and awaken our vision, and change the way we see things. They take us to other places. They open doors and minds. Movies are the memories of our lifetime. We need to keep them alive.

-Martin Scorsese

The Greatest Pulpit: Film

We owe future generations to tell the greatest stories of our day. As Robert McGee perfectly penned: “Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” Words create worlds. Story transcends all political, religious and social barriers and shifts culture.

We were born for story.

As the famous line from Chariots of Fire, “When I run, I feel God’s pleasure.” When we minister or make great films, we feel like we are making The Father smile by doing what we were created to do, energized by the synergy of each talent coming together in collaboration.  We love team and love to create a family atmosphere on set, drawing out the gold of the entire cast and crew, and making great work.

Other Films From Shara Lea Vithoulkas


Directed, co-written and co-produced by Shara Vithoulkas and Gabriel Lopez. Shara’s narrative directorial debut is a romantic comedy celebrating the joy of motherhood by discovering what life's true riches are. Starring Crystalyn Human Baker and Nathan Kotzur, with cameo guest appearance by Bob and Kimberly Johnson, Bernie Ooley, and Erica Gismegian. 

Louisa's Story: Mercy Mama

Journey with Mama Heidi through the bush of Africa as we discover gratitude in the most unlikely places. Louise was widowed and lost everything, even her home in the torrential down pour of Mozambique in 2014 flooding. She embodies "sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing yet possessing everything" (2 Cor 6:10)

light shines brightest in the darkness

Lyle Phillips raised $10,000 on a facebook post to fly to India in faith to see the ending of sex slavery in his generation. This pursuit brought into the depths of darkness in India before brothels, pimps, and prostitutes, who taught him what love really looks like. 


Rolland's Recovery

After being diagnosed and given a month to live, Dr. Rolland Baker, the co-Founder of Iris Global was miraculously healed. Now he is able to father a movement.

Stop for the one

It has been said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison but expecting the other person to die.  See Jesus in the eyes of this one-legged prostitute whose family attempted to murder her by stoning her to death. She decides to love her enemies and show her entire family the love of God. The power of love in action, the simplicity of the gospel, and what happens when each person chooses to stop for the one. 

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